Product Health & Safety

Updated: March 08, 2022

Here is information you should know about our valve oils. Most of this information is required by US and Europe regulations.



HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED - Read carefully all cautions.

Contains petroleum distillates (synthetic).

Hazard symbol: The aspiration hazard symbol is required in Europe for all light oils sold to consumers.

Aspiration hazard warning symbol.


Al Cass “FAST” Valve, Slide & Key Oil is made of synthetic oils and is considered to be safe for its intended use as a lubricant for brass instruments. It is colorless and odorless. AL Cass “FAST” Oil does not react with metals, does not cause corrosion and will not create sticky residues. In fact many customers use our oil for everything from squeaky door hinges to softening leathers for sports equipment.

AL Cass “FAST” Valve, Slide & Key Oil is best stored at room temperatures between 35F- 80F. It should never be ingested or inhaled deeply into the lungs, and it should not be left within reach of young children.

Skin Contact and Eye Contact:

Mild skin irritation and other discomfort may occur after contact if you have sensitive skin. Wash skin thoroughly with water and mild soap to remove the oil from skin. Avoid eye contact, and if exposed, rinse eyes immediately with plenty of clean running water thoroughly and seek medical help.

Ingestion, Inhalation, and Aspiration Hazard: 

If the valve oil is accidentally ingested or inhaled, please DO NOT induce vomiting as it may cause the oil to enter into the lungs. If vomiting occurs, the head should be kept low so that vomit will not enter the lungs. Please seek medical help immediately.  See additional cautions below.

Any light oil including valve oils, synthetic or petroleum-based, may be harmful or fatal if inhaled into the lungs as it can cause lung damage and can make it hard to breathe.  All valve oil manufacturers are required to put these warnings on the bottles in the USA and in Europe.

Child-Resistant Bottles:

Our oil is required to be packaged in child-resistant bottles in the US and Europe.  This package meets the EU Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures (i.e., CLP Regulation in the European Union) and 16 C.F.R 1500 & 1700 in the US.  Over time, these bottles will be used worldwide.

DANGER: HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED AND ENTERS AIRWAYS. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a Poison Control Center, physician or emergency room. Keep out of the reach of children.  Dispose container in accordance with local regulations. If medical advice is needed, have the product container or label at hand. Store locked up. 

PELIGRO:  NOCIVO O FATAL EN CASO DE INGESTIÓN E INGRESO A VÍAS AÉREAS.   EN CASO DE INGESTIÓN: Llamar inmediatamente a un Centro de Control de Envenenamientos, a un médico o a la sala de emergencias. Mantenga fuera del alcance de los niños. Deseche el contenedor de acuerdo con las regulaciones locales. Si es necesario un consejo médico, tenga a mano el envase o la etiqueta del producto. Tienda cerrada.

DANGER : NOCIF OU MORTEL SI INGÉRÉ ET PÉNÈTRE DANS LES VOIES AÉRIENNES. EN CAS D'INGESTION : appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison, un médecin ou une salle d'urgence. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Éliminer le récipient conformément aux réglementations locales. Si un avis médical est nécessaire, ayez à portée de main le contenant ou l'étiquette du produit. Magasin fermé à clé.

DANGER:  NOCIF OU MORTEL EN CAS D'INGESTION ET ENTRÉE DANS LES VOIES RESPIRATOIRES. EN CAS D'INGESTION: Appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison, un médecin ou une salle d'urgence. Garder hors de la portée des enfants. Éliminer le récipient conformément à la réglementation locale. Si un avis médical est nécessaire, avoir à portée de main le contenant ou l'étiquette du produit. Magasin bloqué.

GEFAHR:  Kann bei Verschlucken und Eindringen in die Atemwege tödlich sein. BEI VERSCHLUCKEN: Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONS ZENTRUM +49 (0) 6131/192 40 (Giftinfo Mainz, 24h) anrufen KEIN Erbrechen herbeiführen. Inhalt/Behälter in Übereinstimmung mit den örtlichen Vorschriften der Entsorgung zuführen.  Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung oder Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. Unter verschluss aufzubewahren. Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen.

VAROITUS: Voi olla tappavaa nieltynä ja joutuessaan hengitysteihin. JOS NIELTY: Ota välittömästi yhteyttä lääkäriin. EI saa oksennuttaa. Hävitä astia paikallisten säännösten mukaisesti. Jos tarvitaan lääkinnällistä apua, näytä pakkaus tai varoitusetiketti. Varastoi lukitussa tilassa. Pitää poissa lasten ulottuvilta.

VARNING: Kan vara dödligt vid förtäring om det kommer ner i luftvägarna . VID FÖRTÄRING: Kontakta genast läkare. INTE kräkning. Kassera behållare i enlighet med lokala föreskrifter. Om du måste söka läkarvård Ha förpackningen eller etiketten till hands. Förvaras inlåst. Förvara utom räckhåll för barn.



위험: 삼켜 기도로 유입되면 유해하거나 치명적입니다. 삼켰을 경우: 즉시 독극물 관리 센터, 의사 또는 응급실에 연락하십시오. 아이들의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 두세요. 현지 규정에 따라 용기를 폐기하십시오. 의학적 조언이 필요한 경우 제품 용기 또는 라벨을 가까이에 두십시오. 상점이 잠겨 있습니다.

Safety Data Sheets are available upon request.